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Welcome to LiCON!

On September 1, we welcomed seven new trainees and three students on a degree course with in-depth practical experience to our team! A short introduction gave them the opportunity to get to know each other better and to network. They were particularly pleased with their new iPads. They also got to know our apprentices and students from the higher apprenticeship years, with whom they will be working actively in the future!

LiCON trains apprentices in the exciting professions of industrial mechanic and electronics technician for automation technology. We also offer interesting dual study programs based on the “Ulmer model” in mechanical engineering as well as electrical engineering and information technology. For those who would like to go one step further after their vocational training, LiCON offers the opportunity to complete a degree course with in-depth practical experience. Internships and the writing of technical theses and dissertations are also possible with us and offer valuable insights into specialized fields.

We look forward to spending time and working on exciting projects with you!

Our new trainees and students
Welcome to LiCON!

The entire group of LiCON trainees and students will be working together in the future!